Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Time to Brag!

Everybody is doing very well!

Callie is 2 weeks old, or 37 weeks gestation. She is still in her isolette due to her small size. Although she is maintaining her own temperature well, the isolette is enclosed, which helps limit noise. Since Callie doesn’t have to “work” to filter out noise, the isolette helps her maintain her energy so that she can grow well each day. The isolette also helps her not work so hard to maintain her own temperature. Callie now weighs 3lbs, 3oz!!!

On Saturday, Callie decided she was done with her feeding tube… she pulled it out three times before the nurses finally decided to just leave it out. She has been taking her full feeds, which is now up to a minimum of 28mls (for reference, 30mls is 1oz), all by herself since Sunday! Callie and I have also been successfully breastfeeding! This is such an accomplishment, and a goal that I very much desired! Ignorance and poor nurse support ended my attempts to breastfeed Stewart. Henry and I rode the breastfeeding roller coaster from hell that ended with a screeching halt. Callie was quick to learn and has breastfed for many of her feedings!

Callie has had several lab tests over the past couple of days. Her bilirubin levels have resolved. Her red blood cell count is appropriate and she is making her own red blood cells. Will and I also requested that a Complete Blood Count (CBC) be taken. A CBC measures the concentration of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets in the blood. The test details the concentration of the various types of white blood cells, as well, including Eosinophils. We were interested in knowing if Callie’s Eosinophils were elevated, as high Eosinophil counts were the only sign of a problem with Henry when the cow’s milk allergy was first suspected. Fortunately, all of her counts were normal!

The neonatologists are very pleased with Callie’s progress. In order to go home, babies have to achieve four goals: 1) no apneas (pauses in breathing), 2) taking all feeds orally (no tube feedings), 3) gaining weight, and 4) maintain their own body temperature. Callie is successfully doing each of these things. Now she needs to do all of these things together. On Thursday, the plan is to move Callie to an open crib. Once this happens, she will need to show that she can maintain her own temperature, filter out noises, continue to take all her feeds orally, and continue to gain weight. Once she has successfully accomplished this for several days, we can go home! If she is able to do all of these things, she could go home as early as next week! We are very excited and proud of our little girl!

This picture of Callie was taken today and shows her typical sleeping position with her arm draped over her face! In fact, we were never able to get good ultrasound pictures of her face because her arm or hands were always in the way! I’ve been told that this was also the typical sleeping position of her Great Grandmother Callie, who she is named after! Here is a video link of Callie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rb8pHbyQST0

Henry had surgery Monday at UNC for his ear tubes and endoscopy. The surgery went very well. The ENT observed a lot of fluid in Henry’s right ear and was able to drain much of it. She also looked at his adenoids and it was decided not to remove them at this time. The GI specialist observed normal looking esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Small biopsies were taken from each of these areas to be analyzed for Eosinophils. It will take a couple of weeks before we have the results. In addition, blood was taken to be analyzed for cow’s milk allergy, which will also take a couple of weeks for the results. Although the surgery was not scheduled until mid-afternoon, Henry recovered very well. He was running around playing with Stewart later that night! Prior to the surgery, Henry was given Versed to help relax and calm him. They should’ve given me some of that before my C-section!! Henry was quite the smiling, wobbly toddler! We couldn’t help but take a quick video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1WhfdI9w8E

Stewart is also doing well! His last day of his 1st nine weeks of 2nd grade finished up on Friday. He came home with a good report card! His teacher noted that he has mastered his math skills and needs to continue practicing reading and writing. He is enjoying soccer camp this week and we are looking into other types of camps for his remaining two weeks to try and vary his track out activities.

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