Thursday, February 3, 2011

Toddler Attitude!

As promised, I plan to try and blog more! And I thought it would be fun to talk a little more about some of our day to day activities instead of always being so “informative” on health issues.

Stewart was funny yesterday morning. He told us it was February 2nd, and I responded that it’s Groundhog Day. Then Will said that it would probably be Spring soon because he didn’t think the groundhog would see his shadow. Stewart said, “Do I have to go to school?” Funny!

Yesterday did not quite turn out to be the day I planned. Since I’m starting a new job at the end of the month, I needed to complete my drug test. My plan was to run to the lab and then take Callie to relax at Starbucks. Well, she insisted that she’d rather eat first by screaming in the car. After circling the Starbucks three times, I finally got a parking space. Being the social baby she is, she immediately stopped screaming once she could see me. So we relaxed at Starbucks for a bit and had breakfast together. Then off to the lab. Apparently, there are people out there who will do anything to pass a drug test, including things like ringing baby pee out of their own child’s diapers. So I had to call Will to come and sit with Callie since they wouldn’t let me take her back with me.

Later, while sitting in the Smithfield’s drive thru, I got a call that Henry needed to be picked up from daycare because they thought he might have pink eye. Of course, I needed to pump after my long morning out (and eat at the same time… good thing I can multitask!). So Will picked up Henry and dropped him off at home. At the urgent care, Henry decided to fall apart in an overtired, toddler meltdown because the train tracks in the waiting room wouldn’t go together the way he wanted them to. This meltdown continued the entire time we were there with a few breaks, thanks to the red light on the pulse-ox and the green sucker (which created another meltdown because the sucker was sticky). Sigh. Of course, we love to support our local town pharmacist, but it only goes with the day that she would be out of the antibiotic drops the doctor prescribed. So yet another script transferred across the street to the chain pharmacy.

Once home, I told Henry that we needed to go upstairs and take a nap. My overtired almost 3-year old slammed the baby gate shut, crossed his little arms, and glared at me! I couldn’t help myself! I immediately bust out laughing! Too bad I didn’t have my camera ready to catch that attitude!

Callie started giggling this weekend! Grandpa Stu got her started and then it seemed like she was giggling for everyone! So cute! She weighs 9lb, 2oz! Yay, Callie!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the new job. Glad to hear that Callie is doing so well! And I hope that sometime soon my Henry will be able to meet your Henry. Then, they can glare at us together. :)
